Add On
Test your memory skills by playing "Add On" with friends and family. Perform an action on beat to the music and then pass it to the next person. That person would have to perform your action and then add on an action of their choice.
As the game goes on, the pace will increase, making it difficult to keep up.
Are you up for the challenge?
role: product, graphic designer duration: 10 weeks type: group project
Design a toy that fits into one of these categories:
- Summertime
- Holiday Season
- Family/Multi-users
- Classroom/Learning

Picked family/multi-users.
Gravitated towards competitive games. Target audience 7+.
Liked handheld devices for easy on-the-go.
Leaned into Bop It and Simon Says.

Experimented with different forms, all generally being the average hand sized.
Included different "actions" on each form.(ie. switches, buttons, joysticks, twists)

3D printed sphere in three parts (2 halves + 1 cylinder core) and assembled together. Prototype is useable!
4 Actions
Handheld and good for travel. Painted each "action" a different color to help differentiate. Designed branded poster to advertise product. Created music to make experience more realistic!

Excited that I got to explore toy design and would be interested to do more! Wished my group and I did not do a toy that required mechanics, but still really love our idea!
Design packaging for the toy!